Kata Tüttő elected President of the European Committee of Regions
Allianz Risk Barometer publsihed
Average global temperature exceeded 1.5°C above its pre-industrial level for the first time
According to Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, there is only one long-term solution
EU is well equipped to navigate the profound changes and challenges that lie ahead
Emissions drop 17% in the first half of 2024
Package of proposals is part of the EU presidency
Major penalties and sanctions could be imposed
15 Member States want Brussels to take action to restrict gas heating
Farmers protests and other reasons prompt EU leaders to relax green rules
Paks NPP could tip the balance for Hungary's vote, but others may oppose too
It will be difficult to keep temperature increase under 1.5°C
Wind industry to be given a boost
Euro 7 adopted but stringent requirements get water down
We may need to say bye-bye to super-cheap fares
Spectacular growth
There was no announcement about this in Hungary, though
Global temperature records continue to tumble
EU stats office publishes updated figures
It's a much more complicated system than 'just' climate change